Enhancing Lives, One Story at a Time ...


Robert D. shanks Jr.

       Dr. Bob Shanks served 31 years in the USAF starting out as an enlisted photojournalist.  After his commissioning he then served as an intelligence analyst.  His last Air Force assignment was as a professor at the US Air Force Air War College, Maxwell AFB, AL.

       He received his BA, MS, and PhD degrees from the University of Nebraska.  He has served as a reserve intelligence analyst working both for federal law enforcement as part of the war on drugs as well as the reserves. He has served in seven major commands.  

     He also served as an adjunct professor at Prescott, Arizona’s Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) as part of the Global Security and Intelligence Studies College.


Published Books

Tales from Northern Arizona

Bob's Blogs, Essays, and Short Stories

 Years ago, when my daughters were to go to bed, they would often ask me to tell them a story as I tucked them in for the night. As a former junior high English teacher who taught various English literature classes I made up stories about funny animals or whatever would pop into my mind at the time. My daughters seemed to enjoy these improbable stories, most of which I don’t remember and rightfully so. 

    I have always been interested in short stories and creative writing. My junior high students used to amaze me with the wonderful creative ideas they would write when given various writing assignments. This little book is made up of “blogs” (not a particularly good literary term with any meaning), essays and short stories put together mainly for my web site that lists my first two Christian books. In our super busy video world, it seems folks don’t take the time to enjoy reading as they used to years ago or even enjoy a good still photograph. As a enlisted photojournalist before my commissioning, I did a lot of still photography for the Air Force. One of my favorite quotes is from National Geographic Photographer Joel Sartore, “A still photograph is a very quiet thing in a very loud world.” His quote certainly underscores the super busy times we now live in.

   In our hectic hurry and scurry to here and there world most of these articles, essays, blogs, or short stories are purposefully kept short and compact. I was always a part of the military reserve and guard program for many years as an intelligence analyst, so my subsequent tours of duty have provided me with a rich background for articles, essays, and short stories and even some “blogs”. This book is a small collection of my short articles, essays, and short stories and even a “blog” or two.


An Awakening at Nain is filled with wonderful bible stories of Jesus healing countless numbers of people He encountered in his short life and ministry. This author often wondered what happened to some of these people, what did they do? What did the man whose withered hand was healed do after his healing? What kind of new future did the Samaritan woman have who had a bleeding problem after Jesus healed her? The Gospels have recorded thirty-seven miracles performed by Jesus so what were their stories after their healings? Over the years there have been authors who have had these same questions wishing there could’ve been an additional book in the Bible with “Where are they now stories” of those healed. This small fictional historic novella explores one fascinating possibility.


A Father's Stories For His Children

A Father’s Stories For His Children is a series of stories written to spark discussions not only in school but at home as well. The author is an educator and a retired USAF officer. He put these short stories together for his children and grandchildren drawing from his experiences growing up and as educator and military officer. Many of these stories deal with real life issues all kids face. The stories are grounded in Biblical principles and have Bible passages to look up for further study and discussion.


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